Hey, I'm...

Marques Webster

And I'm a Frontend Software Developer that loves to build cool experiences.

Mozilla 2D Breakout Game

Mozilla 2D Breakout Game

Nava PBC 2023 DEI Report

Nava PBC 2023 DEI Report

Nava PBC 2023 Public Benefit Report

Nava PBC 2023 Public Benefit Report

Airbnb Experiences Clone

Airbnb Experiences Clone

Breath'g Vegan Design System

Breath'g Vegan Design System

Breath'g Vegan

Breath'g Vegan

Nava PBC Insights Filtering System

Nava PBC Insights Filtering System

Light-Dark Mode

Light-Dark Mode

Marques Q. Webster Portfolio

Marques Q. Webster Portfolio

Meme Generator

Meme Generator

Nava Labs

Nava Labs

Notes App

Notes App

Partnership For Resilience Design System

Partnership For Resilience Design System

Paper Trails

Paper Trails

React Router Tutorial

React Router Tutorial

The Why...

I'm a fresh face with an old soul, and I'm always looking to learn. There's a saying that a wise person learns from his mistakes and a wiser one learns from others' mistakes. However, the wisest among us learn from others' successes. I'm a product of all of the successes of those that have come before me and have prepared me for excellence. My goal is to be a lesson for the wisest members of the generations to follow.


Childlike Creativity

From Atlanta to Matteson, my journey began with doodles and dreams. Raised on Saturday morning cartoons and comic books, I wielded a pencil before I could walk. Though my childhood sketches might outshine my adult attempts, my passion for art still shines bright. Life’s full circle is evident: I navigate adulthood with a childlike creativity, forever enchanted by the world of design.

Creativity is intelligence having fun.Albert Einstein

Natural Born Leader

Since I was knee-high, my parents dubbed me a born leader. Sure, they're biased, but not entirely off base. Every standout leader owes a debt to their mentors and acknowledges it gladly. Through my 108 seasons on this spinning globe, I've honed my knack for picking out the right teachers, guided by the soul my parents instilled in me. Learning the ropes has only bolstered my leadership game, and I'm all in for soaking up more wisdom to guide those in my orbit.

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.John F. Kennedy

Effective Communicator

Claiming the Salutatorian spot in middle school jumpstarted my journey in public speaking, and I've only improved with time. Speaking to diverse crowds taught me the golden rule of effective communication: listening first to find common ground. This insight eases any nerves, making it natural to connect with folks from all walks of life. Everyone has a unique story, a truth I've learned to honor, enhancing my ability to share my own experiences and empathize with others.

Each act of communication is a miracle of translation.Ken Liu

Power of Community

My success journey taught me the power of community, a lesson underscored by the pandemic's isolating grip. Tech always intrigued me, but its universal allure eluded me until COVID-19 pushed us online. I discovered that even without physical proximity, digital spaces foster vibrant communities. As a Frontend Software Engineer, I'm thrilled to craft these virtual hubs, connecting like-minded souls in a shared digital embrace.

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.Phil Jackson

The What...


Breath'g Vegan

Interested in Vegan Southern comfort food? Yes? You should definitely place an order. If not, check out the website design and try to avoid being enticed by the pictures.
Breath'g Vegan screenshot

Your Career Tapestry

Career coaching is important to most ages and all industries. This importance, plus the concept behind the Tapestry Program, guided the design of this website.
Your Career Tapestry screenshot

Marques Q. Webster Portfolio

So…what do you think?
Marques Q. Webster Portfolio screenshot

Design Systems

Artifacts from recent projects I’ve worked on. Take a look at what I’ve put together.

Partnership For Resilience

Partnership For Resilience screenshot

Breath'g Vegan

Breath'g Vegan screenshot

Your Career Tapestry

Your Career Tapestry screenshot


AI Image Generator

This project uses OpenAI and Dall-E 3.0 to create images from text. All you have to do is tell it to imagine your wildest dreams with you.
AI Image Generator screenshot

Mozilla 2D Breakout Game

This classic game was just as fun to build as it is to play.
Mozilla 2D Breakout Game screenshot

2023 DEI Report

Diversity isn't just a buzzword—it's one of Nava’s guiding principles. I served as the steward for all the DEI data and data visualization for this year’s report.
2023 DEI Report screenshot

2023 Public Benefit Report

I was instrumental in designing, prototyping, and developing the digital experience for the report, showcasing Nava's commitment to making a positive impact.
2023 Public Benefit Report screenshot

Insights Filtering System

Based on meticulous usability testing, I fine-tuned the user journey and deployed a dynamic filtering feature to accompany the catalog of insights Nava offers.
Insights Filtering System screenshot

Light-Dark Mode

A small UI card with light and dark mode functionality. Try it out and learn a little about the history of React while you’re at it.
Light-Dark Mode screenshot

Meme Generator

A little old-hat meme nostalgia is always a nice break from programming. Quick API calls for an even quicker laugh with this Meme Generator.
Meme Generator screenshot

Nava Labs Animation

Leveraging the power of Figma, I brought designs to life, turning static screens into interactive experiences.
Nava Labs Animation screenshot

Notes App

A small note app that uses the power of local browser storage and React State and Effect hooks to make note-taking possible.
Notes App screenshot

Paper Trails

Want to know more about the money lining your Congress members’ pockets? This web app could help you get started.
Paper Trails screenshot

React Router Tutorial

React Router is a valuable tool for managing scalable, multi-page React apps. Given React Router's value, this was a great tutorial to explore what React Router can do.
React Router Tutorial screenshot

Tenzies Dice Game

Based on the Tenzi Dice Game, try out this online version until you win.
Tenzies Dice Game screenshot

The How...


Resume Item Icon
Mar. 2023 - Present

Frontend Engineer / Designer

Nava PBC | Communications | Remote
  • Designed and developed the 2023 Public Benefit Report, resulting in a top #6 ranking in Google Analytics and boosting user engagement to an average of 2 minutes with nearly 10,000 page views.
  • Led usability testing and iterative design processes to implement advanced filtering functionality, ensuring WCAG-compliant accessibility and enhancing site searchability.
  • Streamlined the internal design system by integrating Figma, Storybook, and Next.js, improving Figma design library consistency and development efficiency.
  • Utilized Python scripting to process and prepare data for the 2023 DEI Report, enabling the creation of dynamic data visualizations that enhanced the presentation of diversity metrics on the DEI report page.
  • Deliver high-impact engineering solutions using Next.js, Figma, and Google Analytics, achieving project goals with minimal oversight and enhancing front-end performance.
  • Manage complex projects by applying Agile principles, effectively communicating timelines and progress between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
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Jun. 2020 - Present

Founder / Frontend Engineer and Designer

HI IQ Designs, LLC | Remote
  • Mission-driven production of custom designs and web apps using tools like Figma, WordPress, and React to stimulate the growth of small businesses while providing engaging user experiences.
  • Provide consultation services to boost website engagement and overall site traffic through proper SEO practices and application.
  • Generate custom graphic designs and improve the layout and accessibility of client sites while using planning, wireframing, and prototyping through Figma.
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Jan. 2022 - Dec. 2022

Frontend Software Developer

Google Tech Equity Collective | Remote
  • Mastered key frontend concepts including Object-Oriented Programming, Responsive Web Design, and Progressive Web Apps, strengthening foundational development skills.
  • Developed a comprehensive capstone project using JavaScript, Typescript, and React, demonstrating the full software development lifecycle in an Agile environment.
  • Delivered comprehensive projects with a focus on JavaScript, RESTful APIs, and React, enhancing interactive web development skills and ensuring timely completion in a fast-paced environment.
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Aug. 2021 - Apr. 2022

TeamDynamix Service Administrator

University of Illinois | Technology Services | Remote
  • Handpicked based on stellar qualities as the primary contact for all TDX-related support requests, such as user and group management, ticketing app modifications, and ticketing email response setup.
  • Pioneered transformational initiatives to configure, troubleshoot, and maintain the IT infrastructure while providing ongoing development and maintenance of software applications used.
  • Laid groundwork to provide the system, network, and database administration support, including maintenance of the database and all underlying system infrastructure, such as servers, hardware, software, network routers, and more.
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Mar. 2019 - Apr. 2022

Web Development Administrator

University of Illinois | Technology Services | Urbana, IL
  • Spearheaded backend infrastructure management, including server patching, WordPress and Drupal setup and maintenance of around 40 sites, and PHP file permission access management.
  • Operated MySQL database instances for querying and optimization in conjunction with Drupal sites.
  • Administered CPanel to manage server-side configurations and troubleshoot issues for well over 10,000 website content files.


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Aug. 2014 - Dec. 2019

Bachelor of Science in Technical Systems Management

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Interpersonal Skills

  • Detail-oriented work ethic
  • Employee resource management
  • Enthusiastic synergy-focused approach to collaboration
  • Project management
  • Solution based communication skills
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Technical Competencies

  • Airtable LogoAirtable
  • AWS LogoAWS
  • Contentful LogoContentful
  • Figma LogoFigma
  • GitHub LogoGitHub
  • Google Analytics 4 LogoGoogle Analytics 4
  • GraphQL LogoGraphQL
  • Jira LogoJira
  • Next.js LogoNext.js
  • Notion LogoNotion
  • NPM LogoNPM
  • Prettier LogoPrettier
  • Python LogoPython
  • React LogoReact
  • Storybook LogoStorybook
  • TypeScript LogoTypeScript
  • Vercel LogoVercel
  • Vite LogoVite
  • Webflow LogoWebflow
  • Wix LogoWix
  • WordPress LogoWordPress
  • Yarn LogoYarn

Get In Contact...

I'm currently open to work, and I'm always ready to learn!

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